
Monday, April 20, 2009

Pesta Buku Antarabangsa 2009...

WieEEEEHaAAA! Hari yang ku tunggu2 sudah tiba! Last week on 17(friday), 18(Saturday) and 19th(Sunday) of April, I went to the KL Bookfair at PWTC. Perghhh, 'sosak' I tell you. On that friday, my belated mom and me borong 3 english novels, 1 malay novel and 2 islamic motivation book( 1 hari je, dah borong banyak2. kuikuikui!). On saturday, just after teaching class, I terus jer gi bookfair (again), to buy Maskulin Magazines(I am A BIIIIGGG FFFFAAAANNNNN!) untuk 4 bulan berturut2+2 KliK Magazines(Insyaallah Muka I masuk dalam next issue of Klik Mag. YAHOOO!).

Lama jugak la lepak kat bookfair. Sesak giler! Dah jadi macam taman sesak jaya dah. On Sunday also, I went to bookfair to buy Dr.Fazley's(kalau nak tengok gambar dia, tengok kat lirik Cerita Asmara yang I post tue. ENCEM!) motivation book( Also A BIG FAN). Sempat lagi tue. Fuh, actually, the book fair sampai 26th of April (if I'm not wrong la...). Perghh, shiok giler. And then, I dapat jumpa(or we can say terserempak) ngan A. Samad Said masa tengah beli novel english last friday( agaknye la...) Berdebar2 tau hati I. At first I just berdiri je kat sebelah dia( takut2 I tersalah orang), bila I toleh je, memang muka dia( I think...).

Pergh, memang a hell of a time!

p/s: Actually, I memang bookaholic, tak bleh idop kalau tak baca buku(walaupun tak tengok buku sekalipun). Mesti nak tengok buku, walaupun 1 buku! Book Is My Life (chewah)!

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