
Thursday, October 13, 2016


 "Music has always been my passion.
Singing is my priority in music."

Assalamu'alaikum to all.

Okay guys, hari ni saya nak cerita sikit tentang muzik.

Music is one of many talents in the world.

Well, ramai yang nak jadi pemuzik, mainly nak jadi penyanyi.
"I always wanted to be a singer because singing is what I always do blablabla~"
"I have what it takes to be a singer blablabla~~"

Bagus la kalau berfikiran positif macam tu.
Tapi masalahnya, adakah nyanyi itu hanya sekadar nyanyi, and nothing else matters?
Is having a good vocal is all what it takes to be a singer? 
How far is your certainty?

Itu yang having good vocals. How about the not-so-good ones? Yet they claimed that they are good, but the reality is that their vocals are far worse than screaming cat at the back alley.

Okay, macam ni la, let me clear you about this:
Singing is not only about talent. It's not only about music and vocals. 

It is more than that actually.

MusicPro Academy Annual Recital 2014.
Ketulusan Hati

1. Singing/Music is about delivering messages.
Music should inspire people, telling stories with emotions, making people understand our messages and ideas, to motivate people. "Love to sing" does not going to bring us anywhere. Most people have this kind of miss-concept whereby they only sing because they love to sing. No. It is more to that.

2. Vocals is about the right technique.
This is what happened when they only sing without knowing the right technique: They scream their lungs out just to reach the high pitches, false breathing technique, out of pitch, uncontrollable vibratos, etc. You can't just sing like that. We need to know the right way to play with our vocals. We will definitely damage our vocal cords if we didn't use the right technique. 

Another thing. Some people think that having great vocals is everything. But dig this: even though you have the best vocal in the world, but if your attitude is really bad, you will definitely not going anywhere. Trust me. Over-confident, being stuck-up, couldn't accept critiques and being self-centered, tantrums, being rude and such. A BIG NO! A big DISRESPECT to those who have this totally hideous attitude. If I am an audition judge, I will definitely say NO.

4. Identity.
Being a singer/musician, you have to develop your own IDENTITY. You can't just simply copy other people's identity; having the same vocal and singing style, same personality, same appearence etc. Kita kalau boleh, bila orang dengar kita nyanyi, kita nak orang punya first impression cakap" Wow, siapa ni? Owh dia ni sekian2 kan?" dan bukannya bila orang dengar, then diorang cakap, "Eh, suara macam awie la. Awie buat recording baru ke? Laaa ingatkan awie, rupanya orang lain." 
See? Tapi bukan senang tau nak cari Identiti sendiri. Tapi kena usaha lebih sikit lah. ^_^

I'm not a good singer myself. Saya pun still mencari identiti sendiri. Banyak lagi yang saya perlu belajar. Tapi, kita kena tahu dan kita kena sentiasa belajar. Tak boleh sombong, tak boleh stuck-up. 
That's why I am sharing this; because it is not easy to become an entertainer, mainly on vocals.
Tough. Kalau senang, dah lama saya jadi artis. Ahahahaha~ :D

Smule Cover.
Muara Hati with Malaysian artist, Siti Nordiana.

Ingat, DO NOT MAKE A FOOL OUT OF YOURSELVES. Kalau dah tahu tak pandai nyanyi or nyanyi sumbang, kalau betul2 nak nyanyi, masuklah kelas vokal. BELAJAR. Jangan sombong dan over-confident. Some people memang tak boleh nyanyi pun sebab suara memang takde. Tak apa lah kalau macam tu. Cari bakat lain yang terpendam. Bakat bukan cuma nyanyi je. Banyak lagi bakat lain. Sukan ke apa ke yang bersesuaian dengan diri kita. JANGAN OVER-CONFIDENT SANGAT.

Oh ya, dan tolong faham maksud DELUSIONAL.
Don't be one.
Nak tau macam mana DELUSIONAL? Check out this video:

Some people memang born-talented singer. Tak dinafikan. TAPI, kalau bad attitude pun tadak guna jugak. So... Think about it.

To summarize, it is important to know and learn what is actually music about, learn the correct vocal technique, mind your attitude, and make sure that you are being yourself, including your vocal and styles. Belajar banyak2.



ABBA – Thank You For The Music 

I'm nothing special, in fact I'm a bit of a bore
If I tell a joke, you've probably heard it before
But I have a talent, a wonderful thing
Cause everyone listens when I start to sing
I'm so grateful and proud
All I want is to sing it out loud

So I say
Thank you for the music, the songs I'm singing
Thanks for all the joy they're bringing
Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty
What would life be?
Without a song or a dance what are we?
So I say thank you for the music
For giving it to me

Mother says I was a dancer before I could walk
She says I began to sing long before I could talk
But I've often wondered, how did it all start?
Who found out that nothing can capture a heart
Like a melody can?
Well, whoever it was, I'm a fan

So I say
Thank you for the music, the songs I'm singing
Thanks for all the joy they're bringing
Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty
What would life be?
Without a song or a dance what are we?
So I say thank you for the music
For giving it to me

I've been so lucky, I am the girl with golden hair
I wanna sing it out to everybody
What a joy, what a life, what a chance! 

So I say
Thank you for the music, the songs I'm singing
Thanks for all the joy they're bringing
Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty
What would life be?
Without a song or a dance what are we?
So I say thank you for the music
For giving it to me

Monday, October 10, 2016


When you love someone so deeply
They become your life
It's easy to succumb to overwhelming fears inside
Blindly I imaged I could
Keep you under glass
Now I understand to hold you
I must open my hands
And watch you rise

Spread your wings and prepare to fly
For you have become a butterfly
Fly abandonedly into the sun
If you should return to me
We truly were meant to be
So spread your wings and fly

I have learned that beauty
Has to flourish in the light
Wild horses run unbridled
Or their spirit dies
You have given me the courage
To be all that I can
And truly feel your heart will
Lead you back to me when you're
Ready to land


I can't pretend these tears
Aren't overflowing steadily
I can't prevent this hurt from
Almost overtaking me
But I will stand and say goodbye
For you'll never be mine
Until you know the way it feels to fly


So flutter through the sky
Spread your wings and fly

Friday, October 7, 2016



Assalamu'alaikum to all! Miss u'olls a lot! heh

So, oleh kerana sekian lama beta tak menaip dalam blog ini, maka kali ni beta nak ceghabih pasal #THROWBACK.

As we all know, semua orang punya memori. Kisah silam. Kenangan manis dan pahit. Kenangan manis kau dan aku takkan terkubur... eh silap! Tu lagu Jamal Abdillah. Heh.

Bila cerita pasal memori ni, aku jadi emotional sikit. Why? Sebab setiap hari, kita semua makin dewasa. Dan dalam pada kita semakin dewasa tu, kita akan mengalami pelbagai cabaran dan perubahan, tak kisah lah perubahan pada diri atau keadaan sekeliling. Dan sama ada perubahan tu semakin baik atau semakin kurang baik. 

To talk about myself,
sometimes, aku tak tahu sama ada aku ini okay atau tidak mengalami semua benda ni. For instance, yelah, selalunya kita tengok kawan2 kita, dulu single sekarang dah kahwin. Yang dah kahwin pulak dah ada anak dua tiga. Tak lama lagi turn aku pulak. eh? ahahaha~~

< --- "Ye, saya dah ENGAGED dah. Sekian."

Talk about getting married, kadang2 betul ayah aku cakap. Quote dia lebih kurang macam ni la, "Bercinta dengan orang lain, Bertunang dengan orang lain, Kahwin dengan orang lain." 

Yeah. Memang betul2 berlaku pada diri aku. Choyyy!!!

Tapi tu lah kan. Satu pengalaman dan pengajaran buat aku. Anak-anak, please, kalau bab2 kahwin, bab2 bercinta ni, dengar lah cakap mak bapak. Diorang lebih banyak makan garam dari korang. Kalau diorang say "NO" or tak berapa nak berkenan dari awal tu, tandanya ada la masalah yang kita bakal hadapi jika kita degil. 

Ye betul kita cuba buktikan yang kita ni betul. No problem. Ada jodoh, ada lah kan. Tapi, bila something wrong happened, jangan salahkan parents tau. Ayat "I told you so" bakal menyusul selepas itu. Seriously. Aku dah terkono. 

Moral of the story: Next time, jangan membelakangkan mak bapak.

"Hey? Who is dis? Motiifff???" ---- >
(habislah... kejap lagi kena baling seterika kat kepala, Baik gua blah dulu. heh.)

Oh ya, InshaAllah nanti dah sampai time aku announce ye siapa "BAKAL ZAUJAH" teww... hehe. p/s: yang terasa tu, jangan kembang2 hidung. Payah saya nak kempiskan. Kang dah jadi serombong kapal, payah nak cari kayu api arang ape sume. Heh. 

That's one thing.

Another part of being an adult;
Semakin hari, aku semakin rindu. Kadang2 tu, duduk bersebelahan dengan orang yang kita sayang pun still kita rasa rindu. Setiap hari, setiap masa. Rasa macam segala2nya akan berubah tak lama lagi. Contohnya, kalau dulu kita dok manja2 dengan mak, ibu, abah, ayah chik, ayah, 
lepastu dulu kita selalu manja2 gaduh2 lepak2 dengan sahabat sejati BFFFF~ (mohon jangan kembang. aku sepak jap lagi. heh.),

"Mak dan ibu saya."-- >

nanti lepas dah kahwin, mungkin semua itu akan berubah. Sebab lepas kahwin, life kita mostly dengan Zaujah kita kan. 

*okay, ada orang potong bawang. sh*t.

I know... things are going to change somehow. And I have to go through all these things in the future. I know. It will be different. I will be in another phase of life.

I said so because they are my love. Kekasih2 hatiku. Allah je yang tahu betapa aku kasihkan mereka. Tak dapat nak diungkapkan dengan kata2. Allah je yang tahu.

(Gerenti balik rumah bujang ni, aku kena tido luar. Mampuih. heh.)
< ---- "Siapa orang yang pakai cap ni? Semak je. Puihh!"

Yes it's true, lepas kahwin pun boleh je manja2 ngan ibu, mak, dengan kawan2. Boleh je jumpa2 macam biasa. Tapi I know and I bet, rasa dia lain. Ntah. Tapi lain kot. 

Entah. aku pun tak tahu. Takut ke, nervous ke, excited ke, ape ke... bercampur baur perasaan ni. 

Yeah... itulah dia ceghabih aku pada kali ini. Hehe. Kalau orang biasa2, mesti cakap, "Relax la. Keep cool. Biasa2 je sudah." etcetcetc. 
But for me, this is BIG. As I have gone through LOTS of UPs and DOWNs. With these people. My loved ones.

Sedih, Rindu, bila mengenangkan diri ini semakin dewasa. Semakin melangkah ke alam seterusnya. Alam yang aku tak tahu apa yang bakal aku lalui. 

Mungkin aku sempat hadapi. Mungkin fasa aku yang seterusnya ialah fasa aku dia Alam Akhirat. 
I don't know. Allah Sebaik2 Perancang dan Maha Mengetahui.

I put all trust in Allah. I trust in the process.

Ya Allah, kuatkanlah dan tenangkanlah hati aku nak hadap semua ini.

p/s: Aku rindu kekasih2ku. Every single seconds, every single moment.

STESRI'S PANORAMA-Khas untuk ex-stesrians06'/07'

STESRI MEMORIES-Khas untuk ex-stesrians 06'/07'