
Friday, December 31, 2010


Salam to all...

Hurm... sedar tak sedar, dah sampai masanya untuk meninggalkan tahun 2010 dan masuk ke tahun 2011. Dah macam-macam berlaku sekitar tahun 2010 ni. Ada yang baik, ada yang buruk, dan sebagainya. So, malam ni, aku nak akhiri episod tahun ni dengan ketenangan dan mulakan episod yang baru dengan ketenangan juga. Memori tetap memori, tapi jadikan memori itu satu pengalaman. Biar pahit, biar manis, itulah kenangan. Dah sampai masanya. Selamat tinggal 2010, selamat datang 2011... :')

p/s: Happy New Year, everyone...='D

Monday, November 29, 2010

Freakin' tired!!!

Salam to all...

Wow... It's been a long time since the last post. I am too busy till' I have no time for blog (but I always have time for facebook. hehe...) My brain is too busy+tired till it block my ideas to write for my blog. *haish... Last week, I'm so tired cos' there are lots of assignment to be done. I slept late every night(which means, too late!), my brain is too packed with assignments; like it's gonna blow my head off. My, my, my... Less rest for me every single day. Man, I really hope that this semester will end sooner. Ugh...

p/s: Shotgun!!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Salam to all...

Since last semester in UNiSEL, I once heard one of my fellow says that the foundation student must be shifted to the campus-site hostel on the holiday month. Well, it has been conformed.

I had my last night at Kota Puteri. Hurm... although it is not as fun or like having-a-party stuff, I felt like so calm that night. I don't know what, I don't know why I felt that way. My friends said that I'm being too emo, *haha I guess they are right, though. It's not like we'll never see each other again, right. But it just that, there are too many memories in that place (even though I only lived there for 1 sem a.k.a 4 month). Hurm... I'm gonna miss the burger stall, the cafe, the surau a.k.a Surau Al-Hidayah, the house I've been living for 4 month(alone in that room. I do obtained privacy in that room. hehe~)... I missed everything.

Well, no more privacy; no more cooking; no more pets(aiyaa..); no more late-hangouts(worst!). Even the electrical appliances must be registered. (*shish... what do they care 'bout our apps. sebok je!). What ever it is, I have to welcome myself into the new environment(as I always did).

UNiSEL's campus-site hostel; here I come!

p/s: cukup satu bonet kereta, sumbat barang2 from Kota Puteri's house. hehe..~X3

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Salam to all...

Well, it's been awhile since I've been 'emotionally uncontrollable'. And it's been awhile since I haven't talk to my 'friends'. But now, things changed. I've cooled down myself (so far...). I've started talking to them. Hurm... Let bygones be bygones. But still, I do hope that those days will never happen again in the future, InsyaAllah...

p/s: speechless....

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Seriously, I do...

Salam to all...

Seriously, I have no mood recently a.k.a mood swing. Frankly speaking, I'm being too emotional of what people said a.k.a talking shit about TESL. It just that, I put all my heart toward this course and suddenly, some people, like, 'cursing' a.k.a. perli2 on what I'm doing. I feel so down (obviously, truly). Why? Why do they have to say such things? What, do they think this is just a pranks or games? NO! It is not a game for me. I do forgive them but still, I don't know if they realize; why do I keep myself away from them. Urgh.. I feel so terrible... Macam orang tua pulak, kan? Nak touching2... I do realize that.

Seriously (again), I really do feel that I don't deserve to be with them. Well, I'm just a TESL student, right? Like 10:1; they're the '10', and I'm the '1'. I rather be a so-called emotional person because nowadays, I do think that people nowadays has no feelings towards other peoples' feelings. A 'rock-type' a.k.a don't-care-type heart, I presume. Ada lagi yang buat tanggapan "Ada aku kisah?" or "Aku peduli apa?" etc2. But in my opinion, these kinds of people is a so-called-bullshit type of people. Orang yang suka 'menjatuhkan' orang lain. Stupid, right? Whatever it is, I still forgive them for their 'stupidity'... I really hate to say all these things, but I just have to. Sorry guys, but I had enough already.

I don't know what to do or what to say anymore... Just, stop saying those craps anymore, k. I really love you guys, but please... please don't hurt my feelings by saying this shit anymore. If you have no good thing to say, you better keep your mouth shut. Because you will not only 'hurt' me, but others too, okay....

p/s: No offense, guys. Kalau terasa tu, sorry la ye. Mintak maaf, mintak ampun banyak2 kalau terkasar bahasa. But still, I have to express my feelings too, right. Sorry...=|

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Apa la punye mulut....


Salam to all...

Sebagai wakil kepada pelajar TESL:

Ni nak bagitau (kepada siapa2 yang bukan pelajar TESL):

Kalau tak tahu, buat cara tak tahu.
Jangan nak perlekehkan ape yang kitorang buat.
Jangan perlekehkan apa yang kitorang minat.
Jangan suka2 hati nak komen2 buruk@ kutuk2 la, perli2 la, ape la kat kitorang yang sedang lalui pkara ni.
Memang tak dinafikan course yang korang lalui itu susah; tapi jangan suka-suka cakap course yang kitorang lalui ni mudah+senang.
Apa, ingat senang ke nak jadi guru bahasa inggeris? Nampak je kitorang relax+memang ar kitorang takde buat kira2, tapi otak kitorang ni full of formula, theory, psychology, linguistics, yang kena kitorang kena ingat+recall dari darjah satu sampai tingkatan 5/6. Ingat senang nak recall balik!!???
Ingat senang ke nak belajar tentang bahasa? Kalau senang, asal korang tak amik course ni? Sebab korang tak minat? Alasan konkrit semua tuh. Kalau dah tak minat, jangan kutuk la!
Ingat kitorang ni nak jadi guru ape? Guru cap murahan?
Korang ade tak fikir dalam2 kat ape yang korang cakap?
Jangan ikut sedap mulut je!
Fikir la hati orang lain sket!
Kalau btol senang ar course TESL ni, apa pasal korang tak amik je course ni? kan SENANG, kan? Buat ape korang amik course yang lain? Buat susah2kan diri korang je, KAN!!??
Mulut longkang punye orang!!!

p/s: sape yang makan cili, dia la yang terasa pedasnya. so lain kali, jangan sedap mulut je nak mengata, k. slamat beramah...(-_-*)!
*tengah pissed off gile nih!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

When I Look At You...

The Last Song - Nicholas Sparks

Salam to all...

First, the movie; now, the novel. huhu...
If you guys love "A Walk To Remember", then you guys might love this novel too. Same writer for "A Walk To remember".

I don't want to tell you guys the whole story, but I want you guys to know that the story is AWESOME!!! ( for me laa.. hehe~)

This is a story about a dysfunctional family that tried to find happiness and love through their life. Love, Forgiveness, Truth, Family.

p/s: A great novel + A must-see movie = Brilliant Story!!! XD

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Diana Ross - Your Love

Sometimes when I'm sitting all alone
I think of things that I have done
And start to wonder if there's one thing
That means more than others I have known
And suddenly it's clear to me
Without your love where would I be

Your love has kept me going
Through good and bad times
It's kept me growing
Like a steady flame
Your love has kept on burning
Through sweet and sad times
I'll keep returning to the magic of your love

Through the years my dreams may come and go
For fortune is a fleeting time
And no one knows what time may bring
But through the highs and lows of it I'll know
That there's one thing of which I'm sure
The one thing I've been living for

Your love has kept me going
Through good and bad times
It's kept me growing
Like a steady flame
Your love has kept on burning
Through sweet and sad times
I'll keep returning to the magic of your love

Your love has kept me going
Through good and bad times
It's kept me growing
Like a steady flame
Your love has kept on burning
Through sweet and sad times
I'll keep returning to the magic of your love

I'll keep returning to the magic of your love
Your love

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Charice - Note To God

If I wrote a note to God
I would speak what's in my soul
I'd ask for all the hate to be swept away
For love to overflow

If I wrote a note to God
I'd pour my heart out on each page
I'd ask for war to end
and for peace to mend this world

I'd say
I'd say
I'd say

Give us the strength to make it through
Help us find love, cause love is overdue
And it seems like so much is going wrong
On this road we're on

If I wrote a note to God
I'd say please help us find a way
End all the bitterness, put some tenderness
in our hearts

I'd say
I'd say
I'd say

Give us the strength to make it through
Help us find love, cause love is overdue
And it looks like we haven't got a clue
Need some help from you

Grant us the faith to carry on
Give us hope when it seems all hope is gone
Cause it seems like so much is going wrong
On this road we're on


We can't do it on our own


(Give us the strength to make it through
Help us find love, cause love is overdue)
And it looks like we haven't got a clue
Need some help

Grant us the faith to carry on
Hope when it seems all hope is gone
Cause it seems like so much is going wrong
On this road we're on

(No)We can't do it on our own


If I wrote a note to God...

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Choral Speaking: Teenagers: What A Life!

Hope this will help for my group members...




(*Singing) Tet-tenet~

We, the children of today






Here ye’, Here ye’

Handsome guys’ speaking here.


Talk to the hand, boys

Ladies first.

1 Guy:

Oh well, here comes the big mouths.

Be our guest, girls.



1 Girl:

Now, who is ‘Teenagers’?


Teenagers is US,

And the people who their age

Is between 15 and 25.

1 Girl:

Oh I see...

1 Guy:

What do people like us, the teenagers care about?

I thought that people like us

Would only care about eat and sleep.

All, except 1 guy:

What do you mean just eat and sleep?

We care about more things than that.

We do care about... (*scratching head)


How about fashion?

We teenagers DO care about clothes and dresses and hair (don’t forget the shoes!)

Styles shows who we are!


Really!? You girls are such a shopaholics...


Of course! In fact, men are also shopaholics!


(*Hehe~) We guys also do care about styles and dress codes (don't forget perfumes)

So the girls could chase us (* do the macho look!)


Say what!?



So styles DO play a part in our teenagers’ soul

No style, no life.

1 Guy:

Styles, styles...

Next topic, please!

1 Girl:

Hey, do you guys think what I’m thinking?



Is it




Romeo, oh Romeo...

Where fort art thou, Romeo?


Here I am Juliet,

Right here, waiting for you

With arms wide opened (*open arms)


Who wants to marry with guys like you guys? Puh-lease~


Who wants to be with you girls? Puh-lease~...

All, except 1 Guy:


By the way, let the cupids shoot their love arrows toward us.

Oh love... (*place hands at the heart)

1 Guy:

Girlfriends, Boyfriends, emotions,

Oh, puh-lease~...





We men like to make a lot of friends.

Don’t you girls like to make friends?

For us, friends are important.


Same ol’, same ol’

Who are we going to get help with,

Or who are we going to express our feelings

If our parents’ are living far away from us?

It’s going to be friends, right?

1 Girl:

Besides gossiping...







By the way,

Make a lot of friends is very good,

But never create an enemy

Because an enemy would ruin

Our entire life. (*nodding)

1 Guy:



Now what next?

1 Guy:

I like sports, especially footballs.

Manchester United, my favourite!


I like footballs too!





All, except for the one who said poker:


Poker is not a sport, my dear.

Sports and teenagers cannot be separated.

1 Guy:

I don’t like sports...



1 Girl:

Entertainment, perhaps...


That’s right!

Entertainments, especially music!

No music, no life!

1 Guy:

What kind of music do you guys like?


I like Pop music!




Country Pop!

Techno and Electronic!

1 Girl:

I like all genres...


Music girl! *laugh

1 Guy:

Hey, how about inter...



That’s right!

Internet is one of the things that had been nailed to most of the teenagers’ heart.

Including us!


I have blogs, especially Facebook and Myspace and Blogger!

Me too!

Me three!

Me four!

Me five!

Hey everyone, we all have blogs and Facebook and Myspaces and Blogger, right?



1 Girl:

Don’t forget Youtube!



Internet does not only for socialising, but also created for finding information about anything in this world!

But remember,

Don’t misuse the internet, people.

1 Girl:

You know what we mean...




Well, but most of all,

The most important thing that should be applied by teenagers including us is...

1 Guy and Girl:



Education, of course!

Imagine, without education, what kind of career to apply in order to have a promising future?

1 Guy:


Even in every religion in this world have said that it is compulsory for every human being to study about life


Agreed! Education is for our life, our living!

No education, no life!

1 Girl:

Thank god, we are already been selected to enter this university.


But we still have so many things left to study, my dear.

We still got a long way to go.

Assignments, tests, exams...

No pain, no gain.

1 Girl:

I understand...


Enough chatting, guys...


(*Phew) Before we end our blabbering,

We would like to say(Individual):

Life as a teenager is exhausting, you know.

We have to do this, do that.

Go here, go there.

But the most important is;

Life as a teenager is a blessing

Because we could manage to learn about life and colours our world before we enter the life of adulthood.

And we do not forget that we, the teenagers of today, will be representing the future!

Teenagers’ rules!

Thank You.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I know...

I know,
I'm not ready...

I know,
I have been keeping lots of secrets, but not lies...

I know,
nobody's going to accept me if they know who I really am...

I know,
maybe, if you do know, it is going to be hard for you to accept me...

I know,
I'm not yet perfect...

I know,
I have to change...

I know,
God will always forgive me...

I know,
only God knows how I feel since then...

I know,
LOVE is not meant for me, for now, not yet...

I have to step back, learning and strengthen myself in every aspect of life and religion...
I'll be waiting for Gods choice, InsyaALLAH, because only he knows who I really am...

p/s: I know...^_^...

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Salam to all...

Fuh.! It's been awhile since the last post. Gile busy all the time. Study, assignment, study, and most of all, internet WIFI at my hostel sucks. man...

Oh ya, ada story best nih.
Last week on 3rd-5th of July, I went to S.P.I.E.S motivation camp at Kota Kubu Bharu, Ampang Pecah, Selangor. At first (my first impression), I was thinking; was this camp's for the one who've been selected to become spies?(Alamak, dah mcm cartoon Disney's TOTALLY SPIES dah... hehe) Then, masa on the way to the camp, I realized that the bus I took was moving toward the PLKN's Camp. (OMG...) But when I arrived, I realized that the PLKN Camp is right next to the Kem Bina Semangat where I'm going to learn about S.P.I.E.S. (Fuh... cuak jer... hehe=D)

So, the programme begins. By then, they told us about the S.P.I.E.S. 'S' is for Spirituality, 'P' is for Physical, 'I' is for Intellectual, 'E' is for Emotion, and lastly 'S' is for Social. Hehe.. Suprise!!! This S.P.I.E.S is not for spying, people. It's all about motivating ourselves.

Well, i'm not gonna tell y'all the details cos' you guys have experience the programme itself. hehe Cian korang semua... kuikuikui.. But, I'm gonna share with you guys about how my team and I struggling to make a 'rakit' without using hammer and nails. Pakai 10 utas tali,2 papan segi-empat leper,3 papan kayu petak dan 3 biji tong dram. Giler ar. Memang struggle giler. Nak kena pasang ketat2 to make sure the tong drum would never slipped out from the rakit. But on our first tryout, baru je dis one girl nak naik, suddenly 1 of the papan kayu petak tu patah. As a team leader(chewah), I told them to stay calm, as I went back to take a new piece of wood to reconnect the rakit. Alhamdulillah, it worked!

Macam2 lagi yang berlaku; kitorang kena dayung rakit tu kat tengah2 tasik yg dalam(kitorg dah pun buat teori n amali dgn menggunakan life-jacket). Ada rakit team lain tiba2 'breakdown'; habis ikatan rakit dorang tercabut and they have to swim with the stuff to the nearest checkpoint to reconnect the rakit back. Kitorang punya pun sama; tong dram terangkat ke atas. Nasib baik tak tenggelam rakit kitorang(Thanks to the tong drams' buoyancy and thank God!)

Above all, it all depends on our teamwork, faith, emotion, everything. Alhamdulillah, even though my team was the last one who arrived at the first move, but on the final race, my team achieved the second place(YOOHOO!!!). Alhamdulillah...

Whatever it is, the programme do teaches me how to be a great leader; how to be a great person here on Earth and at the Hereafter. May Allah bless on what I've learned from this camp@programme...

p/s: this programme is only for the selangorians, so kalau korang nak rasa, cepat2 la tukar tempat study ke selangor ataupun pindah rumah ke selangor. hehe... If you guys want's to know more details, feel free to visit this site:

STESRI'S PANORAMA-Khas untuk ex-stesrians06'/07'

STESRI MEMORIES-Khas untuk ex-stesrians 06'/07'