
Friday, May 29, 2009

Hellish Nightmares turns to Heaven Dreams... (Part 1)

Today is the Teachers' Day Celebration at my school (S.M.K.R.A), but something terrible happened to my dancing group a.k.a. THE MASK OF FURIOUS FIVE.

This morning, 4 of the group including me (another 3-Ucop(lead choreographer), Syamim and Zhafir(both of this people are brothers) went to school quite late because we need to prepare something for the show.

But unluckily, when we arrived, there was this teacher (I don't want to call his name because for me, he himself is so stupid , jerk, jackass, and so much more. I Hate Him!!! with this, I shall describe him as 'K'...), we don't know what's wrong with him today, he's like he wants to kill us all who came late. We know we were late.

Then, when we just came in from the school gate, he shouted to us (IN FRONT OF THE PEOPLE WHO WERE WALKING NEARBY. RAMAI TAU!) then he asked, "Kenapa awak datang lambat? Awak tahu tak sekarang dah pukul berapa? Mana baju sekolah awak (memang kitorang x pakai baju sekolah pun time tue sebab dah x sempat. Yikes!!)?" Then Ucop answered, " Maaf, cikgu. Kami tahu kami dah lambat sebab kami kena buat preparation untuk show hari ini. So, kami terpaksa pakai terus kostum kami sebab dah tak sempat nak tukar. Apa yang kami fikir, bila kami sampai, kami kena terus masuk ke belakang dewan. Itu je." Then, dia jerit kat kitorang, totally macam kitorang nie BINATANG, " Awak ingat sekolah ini BAPAK AWAK YANG PUNYA, haa?( Aik, kitorang cakap elok2, dia boleh main bapak2 pulak. THIS IS TOO MUCH!!!)
Ingat awak boleh dantang sekolah suka2 hati awak? Dengan tak berbaju sekolahnya, terus je masuk sekolah. Sekarang saya nak awak balik, tukar baju sekolah dan datang balik." " Cikgu, rumah kami jauh, tak sempat... " I said. " Kalau macam tu, saya HALAU awak balik. Saya tak kira, selagi awak tak berbaju uniform, saya takkan benarkan awak semua masuk." Tapi, kami ada banyak performance, cikgu," again I said. " Saya akan bagi tahu Pn. Norlaila, semua show yang awak ambil bahagian , CANCEL! Sudah, pergi balik!" Dia boleh jerit macam tu kat kitorang depan2 every single eyes yang berada kat situ. Kitorang rasa down+x de mood dah nak buat performance.

Then, kitorang stay jap kat bus stop kat depan sekolah. "Sampai hati dia cakap macam tu kat kita...," I said. Few minutes later, the prefects(Eusof and Zul), the security, and the makcik cleaners (Mak cik Embun and Mak cik Mon ) panggil kitorang masuk senyap2, so this K tak nampak. At first, memanglah dia tak perasan. Then, we went straight to Pn.Norlaila's office(where K's room is next to her's). The room was not locked. We tried to hide there, but, he discovered after that. Again, he shouted, "Apa hal awak buat dekat sini? Kan saya dah HALAU awak balik. Kenapa awak berani masuk sekolah balik? Awak ingat ni sekolah BAPAK awak?" Kitorang diam je masa tu, tak berani nak melawan. "Sudah, awak tulis nama awak dalam kertas ni. Cepat!" Then, Ucop voluntered to write all our names on that paper. After that we were just went to pick up our stuff. Again he shouted, " KEPALA BAPAK AWAK! AWAK INGAT SEKOLAH NI BAPAK AWAK PUNYA, TAK ADA KELAS!? PERGI TULIS KELAS AWAK!" Dengan muka yang bengang+sedih, I voluntered to write our class names. Then, Syamim write the mistakes that we've done;

1. Came late to school
2. Tak pakai baju uniform

Then, Syamim asked us, " Apa lagi ye? Ini je kan kesalahan yang kita dah buat." Tiba-tiba, K sambung "Biadap dengan guru!" Masa tu jugak, kitorang rasa macam ada petir+halilintar meletup kat kepala kitorang. SEJAK BILA PULAK KITORANG BIADAP DENGAN DIA? DIA YANG TAK BERBUDI BAHASA DEPAN KITORANG, ADA LAH!

Then, ada satu student, nama dia Dewi ( kawan kitorang ) datang nak ambik barang. Then, K told her to call Pn.Norlaila. Then she arrived. "Laila, ini ke yang awak ajar dekat diorang ni? Sampai diorang ingat sekolah ni bapak diorang yang punya? Saya nak awak cancel semua show yang melibatkan diorang. Faham?" Perrgh, dia maki 'Mama' kitorang. Ini dah melampaui batas! AARRRRGGGGHHH!!!!

"Sekarang saya nak hantar awak semua balik. Ikut saya." Ucop, Syamim ngan Zhafir ikut dia, tapi I tunggu jap nak cakap ngan Cikgu Laila. "Cikgu, macam mana ni. Kenapa dia boleh cakap macam tu sekali, dah tak ada budi bahasa dah," I said. "Nak buat macam mana, dah dia memang macam tu. Takpe lah, show awak saya cancel, show saya pun saya cancel," cakap Cikgu Laila dengan nada sedih. Pilu gilerr...

Then, diorang dah tercegat dah kat depan pintu pagar. I pun datang slowly2. "Sekarang, saya nak awak balik rumah awak masing2. Kalalu saya tau awak masuk lagi dalam kawasan sekolah, saya gantung awak semua. FAHAM?" kata K. Kitorang pun keluar dengan perasaan sedih+malu+pilu+ tak puas hati+geram +macam lagi. Then kitorang tunggu je depan sekolah, dengan harapan Cikgu Laila akan keluar jumpa kitorang...

To Be Continue...


Izdyhar said...

oh my goshhhhhhhh!
how could he scold u infront of people?
ok wait ,i think thats normal .coz i've been through it too.haha xD .
but to chase you guys out from school.
it is UNNORMAL .come on ,wtheck =.="
pity you guys la .for sure that time you guys felt down especially when he asked you guys to cancel the show .How on earth did he willing to said that? =.=" .i never thought that he is so damn cruel..Erghh,what a full challenging day for you guys .It needs 110% patient to overcome K .But ya ,i cant wait for the next post.Upload some photo pls abg haziq :DD

chiko90tuah said...

Tq. Alamak, photos? Sorry, I did'nt take any photos today. Sorry ya...

Anonymous said...

kambing tu mmg cmtu...
dier x makan nasi...
dier makan rumpout..
sebab tu padang kat skolah xde rumput.. tggal pasir .jer..

STESRI'S PANORAMA-Khas untuk ex-stesrians06'/07'

STESRI MEMORIES-Khas untuk ex-stesrians 06'/07'