
Thursday, May 28, 2009

I Can't Wait!!!

Yea yea!!! Finaly, the mid-term exams were finished! Yahooooo!

On the upcoming friday(29th of May,2009), our school will held a Teachers' Day Celebration! Yeayyyyy! I'm parcitipating in most of the show on that day:

1:Duet singing with Pn.Mazlin a.k.a. Cik Jolie
2:Singing Solo
3:Duet with En Azlan(warden asrama)(I'm playing guitar on that day, I think...)
4:Dance with the teachers

and last but not least,
5:I'm joining the Furious 5 dancing group(all boyz!) We will do hip hop dance for Jai Ho-Pussycat Dolls and Pokerface-Lady Gaga medley. Gile susah, tapi shiok!

I can't wait for that day!!!!

p/s: Happy Teachers' Day to all the teachers out there.

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