
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

What a night... TENSION!!!!!

Salam to all...

Malam nie, I barely sleep cos' I feel like sort of pening-pening sket. Banyak problem la hari nie. Ada pulak yang nak desak2 I malam2 nie, kononnya nak paksa I bagitau some stupid 'secrets'. Should I? Buat ape I bagi tau? For me, some thing was ment to be kept in silence. Buat masa nie, I feel like I don't have to tell anyone about the 'secrets'. well, come on laa, takkan pasal I tak nak bagitau that 'thing', dia nak panas2, bengang2, pastu nak marah2 pulak? Hello, I know that dia memang desperate nak taw that 'secrets' tapi I just can't tell it. It is not the best time nak bagitau dia. Why la people always love to push me a lot? I'm tired of this 'things' already; pusing2, paksa2, marah2 and sewaktu dengannya. Tolong laa... Dah takde keje lain kew? What la!? I really don't like the way dia cakap dengan I. I cakap baik2, dia lagi mau marah2. I know that dia adalah one of my best friends who I always ask for advices, but come on, boleh tak dia give me a break? Tak boleh ke kalau dia tak desak2? Pleeaaaazzzzeee!!!!! Kang bila I tak cakap, dia kata I macam2; tapi bila I cakap kang, dia pening2 kepala. I just tak nak dia terlampau pening2 kepala pasal the 'secrets'. I really hope that she would understand... ='(


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