
Thursday, October 14, 2010


Salam to all...

Well, it's been awhile since I've been 'emotionally uncontrollable'. And it's been awhile since I haven't talk to my 'friends'. But now, things changed. I've cooled down myself (so far...). I've started talking to them. Hurm... Let bygones be bygones. But still, I do hope that those days will never happen again in the future, InsyaAllah...

p/s: speechless....

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Seriously, I do...

Salam to all...

Seriously, I have no mood recently a.k.a mood swing. Frankly speaking, I'm being too emotional of what people said a.k.a talking shit about TESL. It just that, I put all my heart toward this course and suddenly, some people, like, 'cursing' a.k.a. perli2 on what I'm doing. I feel so down (obviously, truly). Why? Why do they have to say such things? What, do they think this is just a pranks or games? NO! It is not a game for me. I do forgive them but still, I don't know if they realize; why do I keep myself away from them. Urgh.. I feel so terrible... Macam orang tua pulak, kan? Nak touching2... I do realize that.

Seriously (again), I really do feel that I don't deserve to be with them. Well, I'm just a TESL student, right? Like 10:1; they're the '10', and I'm the '1'. I rather be a so-called emotional person because nowadays, I do think that people nowadays has no feelings towards other peoples' feelings. A 'rock-type' a.k.a don't-care-type heart, I presume. Ada lagi yang buat tanggapan "Ada aku kisah?" or "Aku peduli apa?" etc2. But in my opinion, these kinds of people is a so-called-bullshit type of people. Orang yang suka 'menjatuhkan' orang lain. Stupid, right? Whatever it is, I still forgive them for their 'stupidity'... I really hate to say all these things, but I just have to. Sorry guys, but I had enough already.

I don't know what to do or what to say anymore... Just, stop saying those craps anymore, k. I really love you guys, but please... please don't hurt my feelings by saying this shit anymore. If you have no good thing to say, you better keep your mouth shut. Because you will not only 'hurt' me, but others too, okay....

p/s: No offense, guys. Kalau terasa tu, sorry la ye. Mintak maaf, mintak ampun banyak2 kalau terkasar bahasa. But still, I have to express my feelings too, right. Sorry...=|

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Apa la punye mulut....


Salam to all...

Sebagai wakil kepada pelajar TESL:

Ni nak bagitau (kepada siapa2 yang bukan pelajar TESL):

Kalau tak tahu, buat cara tak tahu.
Jangan nak perlekehkan ape yang kitorang buat.
Jangan perlekehkan apa yang kitorang minat.
Jangan suka2 hati nak komen2 buruk@ kutuk2 la, perli2 la, ape la kat kitorang yang sedang lalui pkara ni.
Memang tak dinafikan course yang korang lalui itu susah; tapi jangan suka-suka cakap course yang kitorang lalui ni mudah+senang.
Apa, ingat senang ke nak jadi guru bahasa inggeris? Nampak je kitorang relax+memang ar kitorang takde buat kira2, tapi otak kitorang ni full of formula, theory, psychology, linguistics, yang kena kitorang kena ingat+recall dari darjah satu sampai tingkatan 5/6. Ingat senang nak recall balik!!???
Ingat senang ke nak belajar tentang bahasa? Kalau senang, asal korang tak amik course ni? Sebab korang tak minat? Alasan konkrit semua tuh. Kalau dah tak minat, jangan kutuk la!
Ingat kitorang ni nak jadi guru ape? Guru cap murahan?
Korang ade tak fikir dalam2 kat ape yang korang cakap?
Jangan ikut sedap mulut je!
Fikir la hati orang lain sket!
Kalau btol senang ar course TESL ni, apa pasal korang tak amik je course ni? kan SENANG, kan? Buat ape korang amik course yang lain? Buat susah2kan diri korang je, KAN!!??
Mulut longkang punye orang!!!

p/s: sape yang makan cili, dia la yang terasa pedasnya. so lain kali, jangan sedap mulut je nak mengata, k. slamat beramah...(-_-*)!
*tengah pissed off gile nih!

STESRI'S PANORAMA-Khas untuk ex-stesrians06'/07'

STESRI MEMORIES-Khas untuk ex-stesrians 06'/07'