
Monday, August 24, 2009

Ramadhan Datang Lagi...

Perginya bulan Syaaban...
Tibanya bulan Ramadhan...
Antara bulan paling Mulia...

Selama sebulan kita berpuasa...
Menahan lapar dan dahaga...
Menahan hawa nafsu...

Seluruh Pintu syurga dibuka seluas-luasnya...
Seluruh Pintu Neraka ditutup serapat-rapatnya...
Segala Iblis dan Syaitan diikat...
Memberi ruang kepada kita...
Untuk mengawal segala-galanya...

Ganjaran pahala ditingkatkan berganda-ganda...
So, apa lagi?
Banyak-banyak la beribadat...
Ibadat Wajib jangan ditinggalkan...
Ibadat sunat ditambah-tambahkan...

Solat Sunat Tarawih hanya dilakukan dalam bulan Ramadhan aja...
Ringan-ringankanlah diri untuk berjemaah bersama...
Sedekah jangan lupa bagi...
Tak kisah, pada sesiapa...
Tapi utamakan yang miskin dahulu...
Moga-moga berlipat ganda pahala
Kita peroleh...

Puasa tu puasa jugak...
Tapi jangan lupa,
Bila berbuka, jangan melampau...
Sikit-sikit sudahla...
Jangan membazir...

Malam hari...
Jangan lupa...
Banyakkan Solat Sunat...
Baik Tahajjud mahupun Istikharah...
Moga-moga dapat petunjuk...
Rahmat dari-NYA...
Tunggu aja...
Insyaallah, kalau ada rezeki...
Dapatlah kita...
Jumpa malam Laulatul Qadar...

p/s: Selamat mengerjakan puasa, ya! Don't try to ponteng2 pose pulak, k!
Kumengharapkan Ramadhan Kali ini Penuh Makna...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


What is friends?
In my opinion, friends is someone that we know whether for a long time or just this instant. But when they becomes your BEST FRIENDS, for me, they are just like your family, your siblings. You went out with them together, have fun, chit-chatting, sharing secrets, gaduh-gaduh but then happy again, and so on.

But I don't quite understand one thing:
Why does when we love them so much, they will be like, sometime, they mock us for nothing, or maybe we just having fun jer, itu pun nak marah ker?

Kadang-kadang, when I think back, why should I be friend with someone that usually mock us?
Buang masa jer. But, when I think twice, siapa nak kawan orang macam diorang selain saya sendiri. Kesian jugak, tapi itulah masalahnya. Tak ada budi bahasa. Susah la nak kawan macam nie. Kalau orang lain, mesti dah jadi gaduh punya. I don't know about other people, tapi I'm not that kinda person. Insyaallah, I am a patience one. Sebab I sayang kat all my friends la I sabar. Kalau orang lain, most probably dah putus kawan dah.

And then, why must we hate eachother?
Dalam Islam, even our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) give forgiveness to his Ummat, but why can't us? Of course that we are not him, but we should follow his WAY. Forgive eachother eventhough you can't forget what has they done to you. It is better then revenging. Tak baik macam simpan dendam.

Other than that, why must we be RACIST or to 'sombong'@choosy?

For me, eventhough you are Malay, Indian, Chinese, black or white people, Prime Ministers' son/daughter, Kings' son/daughter, rich or poor, we still have the same blood colour, that is red. Why must we bring down eachother? We should unite in order to carry on our life together, an that makes our life colourful and happier. Who are we, to judge people? Only GOD could judge us. Maybe we could judge from the outside, but only GOD could judge from the inside (hati budi, etc...)

That's what happening nowadays. Stop being ego. Jangan cakap besar, sebab itu namanya RIAK/TAKBUR namanya. God hate that kind of people. Terlajak perahu boeh diundur, terlajak kata, ... . Kerana mulut badan binasa. We must always remember, only God is The Most Greatest of all. Everything that we have in this world, our success, the earth, the universe, all of it belongs to Him. Remember, who we are...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

What la!!!

Hari ini...
Ku rasakan sesuatu yang ganjil dalam diriku...
Aku tidak boleh berbuat apa2...
Cuma boleh dibiarkan sahaja...
Aku terpaksa...
Memboringkan diriku pada saat2 ini...

p/s: x pe ar, amik bantal, pi tido lagi best!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Finally, It's Over!!!

For 15 weeks, Ive been waiting, To finish what I've start before.

Today is my last day of attending Rakan Muda Seni Budaya's Vocal, Guitar & Drum Class (I am the vocalist). Well, frankly speaking, today is the day that we need to perform onstage. Haiya...

First of all, it started quite badly, which means it happened like not what I've expected. The female lead singer came too late today ( after the show ends... haiya... ), my other backup singers does'nt memorize their lyrics, lots of out pitched, and lots more... For crying out loud, I felt terrible at that moment. Shish...

I don't want to tell the full story 'cos it's embarassing. Thank god that there are only few people who came to our 'gig' today. Frankly speaking, today's show was messed up. To tell the truth, boleh kata la, I am one of the savior for that day. Because of the other singer did quite bad, I did help them.

However, I can't just blame them because we don't have enough time to practice 'cos we only practice on Saturday within the 15 weeks (Itu pun dorg kejap dtg, kejap x dtg... cheh. Tu la diorg...)

But whatever it is, It ended nicely. We did singing duet with our teachers by singing Dan Sebenarnya(Yuna's) and Kasih (Hetty Koes Endang). Best giler, duet ngan Professional singer.
And then, my should-be-duet partner pun sampai. X kisah la, dia lewat pun, suara dia mantap giler! While the audience are enjoying their hi tea, we have entertained them with our favourite song that is Kaulah Segalanya (Broery Marantika). I'm soo happy!

Then, its time for us to makan, and our teachers continueing the band. Best and klaka giler! Kikiki!

Then, it's time for us to go back home. I'm staring to miss all of them, but we'll meet again at an occasion where I'm going to perform with them someday.

Well, that's my day. Thank you, teachers, thank you Rakan Muda Seni Budaya!

p/s: Missed them always...

STESRI'S PANORAMA-Khas untuk ex-stesrians06'/07'

STESRI MEMORIES-Khas untuk ex-stesrians 06'/07'